To get started in bowling, you need to know the right equipment to own. Most bowling centers usually offer essential bowling equipment such as shoes and balls to the public which you can take advantage of to get a feel of the game. However, you might need to invest in your equipment over time if you want to advance in the game. The right equipment is essential for your safety in addition to improving your game. With the right ball, for example, the chances of twisting your wrist or tearing a muscle are minimized. You get to enjoy the game safely while gaining all the health benefits that come with it. Below are some of the most basic equipment to own.
Bowling Shoes
Among the rules for nearly all bowling alleys is that you must wear bowling shoes. The reasons for this are mainly to ensure your safety and avoid damage to the lanes. The special sole of balling shoes allows for the right type of slide on the lanes as you bowl, preventing sudden breaks of momentum that not only interfere with your game but also prevents accidents. Some of the injuries that you can get when bowling without the right shoes are sprained wrists, ankles, and backs among many others. Buying your bowling shoes is a great idea, especially if you do not like sharing for hygiene reasons. It also gives you a chance to get one that fits perfectly and has your desired design.
Bowling Ball
Similar to the bowling shoes, the right bowling ball can help you prevent injuries and improve your game. Instead of using house balls, which are often standard balls, you should consider buying a ball that is most suitable for your hand size and has a comfortable weight for you. You can buy the most popular radical bowling balls here, recommend waiting until they’re on sale. Some of the factors to consider when choosing the ball include surface friction, mass distribution, and porosity. If you wish, you can also consider the color or art on the ball.
Wrist Guards
A wrist guard refers to a supportive device worn on the wrist to prevent the bowling hand from twisting or tilting while swinging and throwing the bowling ball. It limits the unwanted wrist movement, making your throws more consistent. It also helps to prevent injuries, which makes it quite important, especially if you are a senior.
Ankle, Elbow, and Wrist Bands
The game of bowling has a repetitive nature that may damage your joints. To prevent this from happening, you can use the gentle shock absorbers. This makes investing in the ankle, elbow, and wrist bands a great idea if you intend to bowl routinely.