Tag Archive : Dismissal


Dismissal from duty means being stopped permanently from your usual duties either in your place of work, charity organization among other places. Being dismissed means you cannot receive salary and benefits from your place of work and can cause low self -esteem, stress or at worse mental problems. Dismissal from duty also means finding a new job which sometimes becomes hectic and full of stress especially if your record shows some dismissals. The law requires the ontslag geven bediende to be done procedurally. There are various reasons which can cause dismissal from duty as discussed below.


Poor Performance

working togetherWhen given duties to perform, one should put effort to achieve to the best of his or her duties. Poor performance means you are not capable of handling the duties and this can lead to dismissal of the duties. Employee should always perform duties the best way to meet goals set by the employer


This also means bad behavior. Discipline is a crucial thing when it comes to work. One should always be discipline, respectful. Lack of respect for your employer or other co-workers may lead to dismissal from duties.

Negligence of Duties

An employee should always be responsible for his duties. Negligence means lack of seriousness in whatever you do. Negligence can lead to being stopped from performing certain crucial duties given.

Shortage of Work

No employer can employ people do to nothing and pay them. There should always be a balance of duties to be performed and employees to carry out the duties. If there are fewer duties than employees, then this leads to dismissal of some employees to bring balance.

Poor Relationship

If an employee in a particular company has a weak relationship with the employer or other employees, this shows poor performance and can call for a halt from duties. One should always be in Good terms with fellow workers and employers to have an easy time to perform given duties well.


This means the inability of the body to function. Some disease may call for a dismissal from duties. An ill person is a person who cannot perform his or her duties well. Some duties require a healthy and physically fit person to perform.


typing on laptopEmployees are supposed to follow orders given by the employer. Employers find it difficult to delicate duties to disobedient people. It’s good to follow orders given by people above you failure to which can lead to dismissal from duties
Irresponsibility Irresponsibility is the act of caring less or not being concerned. Anyone should be held responsible for all the duties given to him/her by the employer. Irresponsible people mean they are not serious, and thus they can be released from their duties.