Cannabidiol (CBD) has been found to relieve cancer-related symptoms, pain, and other ailments. Individuals seeking hemp benefits are free to acquire cannabis products from marijuana dispensaries. The cannabinoid (non-psychoactive compound) is a great way to medicate as it does not have any ‘high’ effect. Though not recognized or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medicine, the marijuana plant has cannabinoids that help treat ailments. This has led to the endorsement of two NDA approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form.
Here are some of the benefits of using CBD.
Pain Relief
The human body possesses an endocannabinoid system that is responsible for the regulation of various functions such as pain. CBD impacts activities in this system by interacting with neurotransmitters hence reducing pain and inflammation. CBD is an excellent option for managing and treating chronic pain from old injuries and diseases. It has been found useful in the management of pain and inflammation due to arthritis and neuropathic pain, which are both quite difficult to treat. Before trying cannabidiol, do talk to your physician about the right dosage (concentration of CBD) and how best to administer it.
Alleviating Cancer-Related Symptoms
Cannabidiol can help reduce nausea and vomiting, which are the main side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. It also greatly eases cancer-related pain and may enhance uptake and potency of certain drugs used to treat cancer. Scientists have noted that CBD suppresses the growth of cancer cells and leads to their destruction. There are more promising studies, and more research is being done on the compound to establish how it can aid in cancer treatment.
Increasing Focus and Concentration
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter whose levels are directly associated with focus and attention. CBD causes regular increases of dopamine to levels that favor focus. It is an excellent option for individuals who suffer from reduced concentration due to clinical endocannabinoid deficiency. Cannabidiol can slow down neurotransmitters increasing time for the brain to concentrate on a particular activity. There are no unpleasant side effects such as dependence, tolerance, and addiction associated with its use.
Treating Heart Ailments
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. People suffering from heart disease need to prioritize living and eating healthy, CBD can help with this too. Cannabidiol can help prevent blood pressure fluctuations due to stress, according to a small study published in JCI Insight in 2017. This cannabinoid helps reduce artery blockage, stress-induced cardiovascular response, blood pressure, and cholesterol level.
Other than these, CBD has many more benefits to your physical and mental health.