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The unfavorable reputation of psychedelics is fast changing because of a recent phenomenon called microdosing. Microdosing has been trending on the internet with users of psychedelics sharing their experiences. This has caught the attention of many and raised interests of users and non-users alike on the beneficial effects of psychedelics like magic mushroom and LSD.

What Is Microdosing

Microdosing is simply taking psychedelics in very small dosages that are insufficient to produce a trip. It is taken over some time. By doing so, the intoxicating effects or alteration of consciousness is done away with. This means that microdosing is good for the overall well-being of a person, including his mental state.

Health Benefits

Magic mushroom or psilocybin mushroom is a favorite psychedelic used in microdosing. It might be safer because it is not synthetic. It is fungi that grow naturally in a moist environment and is now cultivated in greenhouses. By microdosing magic mushroom, one can get the following health benefits.

mushroomsImproved Mental Health

Magic mushroom has been used as a natural alternative for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance addiction. But before microdosing, using it for these conditions has some unfavorable effects such as headache, nausea, hallucination, to name a few. By microdosing magic mushroom and other psychedelics, anxiety and depression of patients improved without the side effects.

Accordingly, in a study, 44% of those who tried microdosing psychedelics perceived that their mental state improved. In another study, microdosers also reported improvement in their brain functioning.

Enhanced Creativity and Focus

Microdosing can also result in enhanced creativity, as reported by many users. This might be because of the alleviation of stress and an increase in concentration. Unlike when taking magic mushroom in large doses, microdosing psychedelic can enhance temporary focus. This will enable the user to concentrate and finish an important task.

Increased Chances of Quitting Bad Habits

Some microdosers swear that they were able to successfully quit smoking cigarettes, alcohol and coffee drinking, and substance use when they started microdosing. Before the microdosing phenomenon, some physicians use magic mushrooms to treat substance abuse.



With many of the side effects of psychedelics being eliminated by taking them in small dosages, the risk of microdosing is the perceived difficulty of going back to normal life when its use is stopped. This is called the ‘wonderland effect.’ Although this is not yet proven by a study, some swear that they experienced this effect.

When looking for magic mushroom for your microdosing needs, you can get them online in ontario. The ideal dose is one-tenth of your usual dosage. When this it still gives you some hallucinations, you can decrease it to one-twentieth. There, you get most of the beneficial effects of magic mushroom.